10 awesome PS1 Third-Person Shooter games ๐Ÿ˜ Video 1 ... (Gameplay) - grsgames.com

10 awesome PS1 Third-Person Shooter games ๐Ÿ˜ Video 1 … (Gameplay)

10min Gameplay
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10 awesome Third-Person Shooter games for the Playstation 1 (PS1)

0:00 Ghost In The Shell
1:00 The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
2:00 Future Cop: LAPD
3:00 MDK
4:00 Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
5:00 Apocalypse
6:00 Tiny Tank
7:00 Syphon Filter
8:00 Armored Core
9:00 Megaman Legends

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