Combat Veteran REACTS to Realistic Shooter Games | Total Recoil -

Combat Veteran REACTS to Realistic Shooter Games | Total Recoil

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Today Israel is joined by Green Beret, Nate Boyer where they are reacting to some Military Simulator games to analyse and compare accuracy and realism to potential real-life situations. The guys review different footage from Insurgency Sandstorm, Escape From Tarkov and Ground Branch to highlight key characteristics from each. They follow along with players communicating with each other to identify enemy whereabouts and key information in regards to their missions. What did you think of today’s video, let us know down below!
00:00 Intro
01:27 Insurgency Sandstorm
05:15 Escape from Tarkov
07:50 Ground Branch
12:01 Outro
Israel Wright: ​
His twitch channel: ​

Nate Boyer:
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Gun Expert REACTS to Metro Exodus | Total Recoil

The Spec Ops playlist:

Thanks to GLID Gaming for the gameplay:

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#InsurgencySandstorm​ #VeteranReacts​ #TotalRecoil